Week one of the fortnight ...
Okay, so .. first I'll explain why this is later than usual!! Sooooo we did a ZONE PDAY FINALLY!!!! I had been hoping for one of these and FINALLY! :):) We went to a place called Taormine. GOOGLE IT .. or if you get jel easily... maybe you shouldn't!!!!! BUT REALLY IT IS SO LUSH AND PRETTY!!!!! :):) That's all! :P
But a really quick overview of my week...
Monday I don't even remember what we did in all honesty... but it was fun whatever we did! :)
Tuesday... DDM WAS AMAZING AS PER! Sorella Reber did the addresstramento and she did a FANTASTIC JOB!! She spoke about the missionaries in the Book of Mormon and what made them amazing and applied it to how we can use their attributes in our work. It was just really really good! She was so worried, but honestly, it was amazing!! :)
Wednesday :):):):):):):)<3<3<3<3<3 BIRTHDAYYYYYYYY so... I woke up to the smell of pancakes that my companion... Sorella Reber ha fatto!!!!! SO CUTE! She did some in the shape of '20' and the rest were normal and it was so so cute!!! Then I opened the gifts... WHICH I LOVED!!!!!! SHOUT OUT FOR MY SUPER AMAZING SISTER BETHANY, THANK YOU!! I LOVE EVERYTHING; THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SOSOSOSO SO MUCH!!! :):) AMMON!!! THE RAGUSA CHOCOLATE IS ALL I'VE EATEN SO FAR AND IT WAS HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY .. I WISH WE COULD GET IT HERE!! BUT I LOVE EVERYTHING AND I REALLY FEEL SO SO LOVED AND SPOILT!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! <3<3<3
After that...we got ready for an appointment (I made sure our day was FULL of them!!!) So we began with a less active lesson (a couple where the wife is active and her husband isn't). It went really well. They are the sweetest couple :)))) THEN...we went to see the Brazilian lady we met in her store to give her a Book of Mormon in Portugese.. and we got to explain it a bit more... then we went home for lunch and a really cute YSA girl called Iolanda came and gave me a foccacia (with a candle on). Oh, btw they are a really really good sicilian food, which I'm obsessed with.
Then we had 2 more appointments :) One was with Rita... the other was with another less active family.. We did a FHE and I ATE SO MUCH CAKE... They knew it was my birthday :):) Then THE ENGLISH COURSE STUDENTS SURPRISED ME WITH A PARTY!! hahaha MORE CAKE AND SINGING... AND SALVO SHOWED ME THE VIDEO!!! :):):):):):):) I LOVED IT SO SO SO SO MUCH!!! AND I GOT HIM TO SEND IT TO ME, SO I CAN WATCH IT WHENEVER I WANT!! Seriously, I can't even express well enough through an email the gratitude that I feel and for all that everyone did to make my birthday a special one :) Oh... then I got a text from the AP's and then Sorella Waddoups called me to wish me a happy birthday and passed me onto President, who sang to me and it was so funny and cute and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! :)
Birthday Surprise after English Class |
The Birthday Cake :-) |
Birthday Post from Ammon :-) |
Thursday was a weird day, BUT we got a new simp!! :) .. saw a less active and did service at an old folk's home! :) All we really did was talk to them, but it was awesome!!!!!!!
Friday We went to Comiso to do weekly planning and then to have a lesson with Sorella Turtula :)
Saturday we did finding using one of the ways Ammon gave me (the one where we cut up quotes and pics from the Ensign and get people to pick one out and see how it makes them feel...) It worked for some, but cus the only thing we had to put them in was a weird cup, I'm sure people thought we were begging for money .. awkward! Then we had a FHE with Iolanda and Sorella Campo! :) I LOVE THEM!
Sunday we went to church... had dinner with the Magroggrassis! :) then headed to Catania!
TODAY WE DID A P'DAY IN TAORMINA, which I already explained!!! .. as a zone!!! First zone P'day I've ever done and it was awesome! BUT I'm so so tired now!! hahaha!
Well, OH, also I ate WATERMELON GELATO!!! IT IS SO SO GOOD!!!! AHHHHH! :):) <3
Well, the rest I will explain in pictures!!
I love you all and I am so so sorry this is so disorganised and rushed! BUT I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU AND I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU ALL!!!!!
Week two of the fortnight ...
Tuesday.. OUR LAST DDM AS A DISTRICT!!! :(:( SO SAD! .. because Anziano Smith dies! His 2 years are up and he goes home tomorrow! It is really sad. We all had an amazing friendship this transfer as a district and we really couldn't have had a better district leader! He was the best (SHOUTOUT TO ANZIANO SMITH). Seriously though, he taught us a LOT and he was just such a stellar example in every way! We took our last district picture. He told us about what he loves about each of us and then bore his testimony on his love for the Saviour. It was just so awesome! Then we did transfer predictions! Then I made scones for everyone with strawberry jam and cream and they LOVED them hehe. Then Anziano Brandon made us all lunch!! :) Thennnnn we went to the hospital cus Sorella Reber thought she did something to her foot (again), but thank goodness she was okay!!! :) Then by the time we were done there (we were there for everrr), we got to the chapel just in time for English course, which was awesome... but not many people showed up.
Wednesday.. The Siracusa Sorelle came for a scambioooooo! I was with Sorella Puzey. I LOVE THAT GIRL. I really hope to serve with her one day!! We did a FHE with the Moore family! It went really well! The kids are crazy, but they're so fun!! haha. Then we went to see Mima and we did the Plan of Salvation with her. She LOVED it and told us she wants us to come next time when her son is there! So that will be AWESOMEEE! :) OH .. ALSO, TODAY I SAW A MIRACLE! So me and Sorella Puzey were running for the bus and then later during the day I realise I'm going all tagless! So I freak out. MY ORIGINAL TAG IS GONE. GONE. :( So we go on a hunt. IT IS NOWHERE. We go look at home cus the chances I forgot it were high. It wasn't there. We trace all of our tracks with no success. Then I turn around (this was a literal mormon movie scene) and it is placed perfectly up upon the metal railing that goes parallell to the road... glimmering in the sun. (oh ps I prayed various times before I found it) ?. so .. moral of the story. PRAY. I'm not kidding, I don't think there has ever been a time where I've never found something that I've lost after praying. HE PROVIDES! IT'S REAL.
oh, also on this day .. a lady let us get on the bus and she took us exactly where we needed to go (not the bus route) and she was just really nice... even though the bus was 'out of order' NEVER BELIEVE THOSE SIGNS. They're all lies!!!
Thursday .. We did service at the oldies home. It was awesome!! I spoke to 2 old ladies and they were just stunned as to why I am here and what I am doing. They were actually really really supportive and it was just awesome to have a conversation with them. I'm getting good at italian convo now hahaha. Not perfect.. but I'm getting there! :) This service really helps too :) Then we saw Rita. It was one of the most spiritual lessons I've sat in since being here. She just completely opened up to us and we were able to teach 100% by the spirit. We had planned a lesson, but nothing that we planned was even mentioned, cus that wasn't what she needed. The lesson was 100% without doubt lead by the Spirit .. and it was awesome! :)Then we met with Gabe (Salvo's bro) and read the book of Mormon with him. :) Gabe is awesome!
Friday we did weekly planning.... saw Gideon, Faith and Divine. Divine is as gorgeous as ever! And then did a FHE with Sorella Angelini, Gaudia and her brother Sebastiano.
Saturday.... TRANSFER CALLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. We remain together for 6 more weeks :) The Gela Anziani are BLOWN OUT!!! SO sad, cus they're AWESOME! .. but we are getting Anziano Bellows (he is 1 transfer older than me) and he will be the district leader and he will be training. He must be good for President to trust him with all that responsibility. We are still kinda sad, cus Anziano Smith can't be replaced hahaha .. but I'm sure Anziano Bellows will be awesome too!! Then Anziano Brandon is getting Anziano Martin... who came in with him (they are going into their 4th transfer), so it will be a really interesting transfer, but me and Sorella Reber are really happy to be staying together for one more. I reckon I'll be out after this, but really honestly, I am so glad to be FINALLY staying in a place for longer that 2 transfers!!! I will have spent 6 months (1/3 of my mission) here in Ragusa!! I'm so blessed. I love this place and these people incredibly amounts! :) Other than transfer calls.... nothing much else happened. A day full of cancellations... :( ANYWAYS!
Sunday... IT WAS AN EARLY ONE! We left the house at 5:55AM to be at the chapel for 6.00am for the 5 hour bus ride to Palermo for Stake conference! It was an awesome ride! There was a group of African members from Nigeria on the bus and they were teaching me 'pigeon English'. Not sure that's a real thing, but apparently it is.. it's kinda like a dialect I think.. so that was cool haha.
On the Bus to Palermo for Stake Conference |
Sorella Reber and myself going to Stake Conference |
The conference was awesome! :) Sorella Campo looked after us with the food :) .. and I saw all the Sicily missionaries :)
Wellllll .. it's time for the Anziani to email home now!
BACI E ABBRACCI!!! MWAH MWAH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorella Robertson