Week one of the fortnight ...
Distrikt Versammlung, Pfahlkonferenz und Skype!!!!!!!
Montag- What a beautiful day! Emailing my amazing family and sorting out our skype session for yesterday! Then we headed to Schwamendingen for Zone P-day, which sucked!!!!! So bad! They did football and as I'm banned from playing sports wegen meine Rücke, I had to just sit and watch for like 3 hours, but that was basically Montag! Oh and it was Star Wars Day! I forgot to wish you a Happy Star Wars Day, so have a belated one!!!!
Zone P-Day Sports |
Dienstag we had Distrikt Versammlung!!! I asked an RM in our ward to come and help me with my assignment and they loved the sandwich analogy my dad gave me! Then we had a tausch! I went to Richterswil with Elder Byrom! I love Byrom!!! We had a lesson with a guy. It was English, which was cool and it went really well! Then we went to do a few vorbeis and set up a few appointments for this coming week, so that was a success .. and we had a super strange storm! Richterswil is like on a giant hill and we walking home and you get this beautiful view of the Zürisee and like there was just a massive wall of rain just coming up the sea towards us... but the weird thing was that the rain wall was ridiculously bright! So strange and then back home for dinner, sprach studium and bed!!!
Mittwoch! I always love Mittwoch- cause it's the middle of the week!!!!! We worked so hard this day! It was awesome! Then we tausched back in the evening, but I loved that tausch!!! Byrom's just the best!!! Love him!!
Donnerstag was an interesting one! We went to Personal Touch 2 members in the ward, but one we couldn't do, as P-touches are a surprise and the kids saw us before we even got to the top of the drive! Sucks!! Then we had an appointment with our Mongolian friend! Using a translation app, as his kids weren't there to translate for us! (I know I'm super awesome- but I can't speak Mongolian)! Then we met Jeffrey at Bahnhof and got something to eat with him! It was a cool evening!!! I love Jeffrey!!!
Freitag, now this week not much actually happened. We had a long weekly planning session and then used our super ninja skills to personal touch the member we tried yesterday and we succeeded!!! Wahey! Oh and I finally got my X-ray appointment for this coming Tuesday!!!
Samstag! It's the Sonntag tomorrow and that means SKYPE!!!!!! I was so unbelievably excited this day, but we went to see a Less Active who lives forever away and he wasn't even home for when we set up an appointment for!!!! Then to Winterthur for Pfahlkonferenz!!! It was great! We had an area seventy there and it was so good! It was a real spiritual meeting!
Then Sonntag! This day was the day of the week! Pfahlkonferenz in Weinfelden, so a crazy early start to get there, but it was great!!! I love being with missionaries! President Kohler came with the whole Family!!! I LOVE the Kohlers!!!! They legit are a family from the family!!!! They're THE BEST and their kids are amazing!!!! Love 'em!!! Then a long treck home! Lunch and to the office to Skype my beautiful family!!!!! I loved it!!!! I am soooooo, soooo glad it worked! I missed Ash last time, so it was awesome doing it all together!!!! I love them all masses!!!!!
Skyping Home and I got to see everyone :-) |
Transfer calls are on Saturday!!!! Anxious much! I'm pretty sure I'll be moving, but where .. is the big question!!!! So I'll keep you posted as and when I can!!! I'll also keep you posted on the back details! I'm hoping it's nothing, but we shall see tomorrow!
Week two of the fortnight ...
We'll start off normal style and I will explain at the end, as to why today's email is so darn late.... Sorry in advance!
Monday- So Monday we had District P-day and as I said on Skype and maybe even in my email last week, we were going to Chur to go up a mountain and have a BBQ!! It was amazing! It was sooo sunny and we had soo much food! .. and we played a few games! I learnt how to play Poker as well.... don't worry, no money! We did it with rocks! haha! 'Twas interesting, but we legit have the best district! I love it and will miss it like crazy when I move this Thursday!
Up in the Mountains for a Barbeque |
Tuesday was a nice early start again .. just as the last few days to get to the other side of Zürich for my appointment! It was a proper nice private clinic and I spoke to the Doctor auf Deutsch for most of it, apart form a few parts, which was in medical German terms, as I had no clue about that! (I just don't use medical german terms in my every day communication), but nothing is broken! Wahey! .. but he did say, that the discs in your spine have slits in them naturally and one of the slits is a little wider than normal in mine, so that is what is probably causing the pain, but he said it shouldn't be too much of a problem! I got a script for Physio to help strengthen the back .. to help it get better quicker and to prevent further injury, so I'll start that soon! Then we had Zone Training! It was sooooo good! The Spirit was amazing! You know that we have the Book of Mormon read as a mission .. as part of Zone Training we have time where we discuss what we've learnt recently from our reading and it was such a powerful time as we talked about it! The Book of Mormon is soo true! That may have been the highlight of my week! Although another highlight may come up from Saturday! Then we had Gemeinderat, so it was a pretty packed out day, but Gemeinderat was brilliant!
Wednesday- we taught the Brown family again!!! I love the Browns and I will miss them sooo much! I've probably grown the closest to their family! They are the best! Then Elder Paulsen and our joint teach played a game with the kids, while I taught Samantha (the daughter who just got back from her mission like 3 weeks back) - German! It was actually really fun! Then in the evening we met with Jeffrey! I love Jeffrey too! He is also my fave! He is legit one person that I've definitely built a great connection with! He's like a brother to me! Gonna miss him like crazy!
Thursday! We went to the ward activity! It was basically a picnic in the flower garden! The place is called Seleger Moor! I believe it is a garden on/around a swamp, therefore flowers that don't normally grow in Switzerland - can grow there! It was quite pretty and hanging out with the ward was great! I really will miss Bonstetten! Then in the evening we had an appointment with a less active! She is super cool and it was actually a really good lesson. The spirit was there and she came to church this last Sunday!

Selegar Moor Flower Garden |
Friday we had a couple of lessons which were really good again! We did a personal touch for another one of my favorite families in the ward! I just love Bonstetten! Then we had Bible Prophecies in the evening! Mine ended up being Judges 2:1-3 let me know what you make of it!!!
Saturday was Transfer calls! I must admit, I really wasn't expecting it! Off to Dielsdorf with Elder Huby! I know Elder Huby already and he's cool and a real good missionary, so I'm also looking forward to it! Then we met up with Jeffrey again, as he left to go to Amsterdam yesterday, so we met to say goodbye! It was a sad moment! Then we went off to Gemeindesport. Of course I didn't play, so I spent the time wisely and tried calling through a load of formers and potentials on our contact list! It was sooooo cool! I managed to set up 2 appointments and then another woman was like I'm not done with the Book of Mormon yet. I don't want to meet until I'm finished, but if you call in 2 weeks time I should be done then .. I'm in Ether! So that was pretty cool! Then another guy was like call me on Wednesday in the evening. I will get my work schedule on Wednesday, so call me then and I'll let you know when we can meet! ?... and he was sooo legit! He was like 'oh man, it is so cool to hear from missionaries again, it's been too long!' So that was highlight 2 of the week! Former finding is awesome!!!!
Sunday- it was hard, so hard! I hate having to leave a ward! I love Bonstetten crazy amounts! It's been the ward I've spent the longest in so far and I just love it here! So I had to say Tschüss in Sacrament meeting and bear my testimony! It is definitely the most difficult thing to do in missionary work! Then we had a special day for the sisters in the ward to celebrate Mother's Day, so we had a Schwestern Brunch! Basically, all of the sisters had a special lesson, while all of the brethren prepared food! Then they came up and we served them and it was awesome!! Then, the rest of the ward joined in and it was so good being able to just spend time with them on my last Sunday here! Then, in the evening, I made Rocky Road- finally!
Now for today's adventures! We were invited by the Aarau district to join them for P-day, as it worked out cheaper if it's a group of 10! Their district is 6, so we went and so did Richterswil. We went up Pilatus! It's a mountain near Luzern! We basically got up super early to get to Luzern and then we hiked up the mountain up where you need to be a pro to climb it, so we took the cable car up the rest of the way, had lunch at the top and chilled together! Then got the cable car down to the same place and hiked back down. It took us about 3-4 hours to get up that thing! It was CRAZY! My feet feel so dead and I am major sun burnt, so I need to get moisturising it! It will soon be beautiful and brown!!! Again, Elder Byrom has loads of great pictures, so I will rob them at some point! I have a few on my camera, which I'll get sent!

Going up the mountain in a Cable car
The back is still sore! Some days I don't feel it, some days it's pretty sore! Today, it just feels dead, but that's probably cause I'm in pain with sunburn right now! haha!
I love you all soooo, sooo, sooo much!!!! Have a brilliant week!
All my love,
Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx