Although it has only been a short time, we have been blessed to be able to have a five minute telephone call with Ashleigh (Friday 8th August), it was a lovely surprise (totally unexpected) but so great to hear her voice and know that she is starting to settle into missionary life in the MTC.
Regarding MTC life Ashleigh says "Life here is crazy, I've began writing a letter to you, but then somethings came up and I've started over a good few times, ugh, but when I get time (most likely today) I'll finish it off and send you one :) Can you believe week 1 is over for me now!! c r a z y!!" I guess one day soon we will receive a letter.
She goes on to say "so this week has been hard but I fully understand when they say 'make it to sunday and you'll be fine' that phrase was not overrated. They meant it. The first few days were bad. I didn't really enjoy them and I got so so so frustrated with the language. I felt like everyone in my district picked it up so much faster than me and I just felt so crap. I found a few good scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants 11 which really helped but I guess all I can do is my best. It's hard, but everyone says it's worth it, so I look forward to the day I feel that!" We have every faith that she will pick the Italian language up and be conversational in no time.
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Sorella Robertson and Sorella Brunson (MTC Companions) |
Ashleigh has really been blessed with a great companion; she says "my companion is the best. I'm so blessed to have her. I think I've already told you about her though. She helps me a lot and knows just the right things to say. Our 1st investigator here is Alessandro. To start with I found it so hard to get it into in my head knowing he's just an actor, but after the 1st lesson (which was bad) it got so much better.......... WE EVEN sang to him. It's weird 'cause you know me I would never do that and my companion is the same, but we felt prompted to sing 'I Believe in Christ' in Italian, as we were teaching him about recognising the spirit and singing really brought the spirit. It was amazing!! ALSO YESTERDAY we asked him to commit to baptism AND HE SAID YES!!" Miarcles are already happening; Ashleigh is voluntarily singing and to be able to commit her "Investigator" to baptism must mean that the language is starting to progress nicely.
Regarding her MTC District, Ashleigh says "my district love exercising which is hard for me hahaha. I'm so unfit but I guess I'll get used to it, ha!"
Ashleigh is really appreciative of all the letters and "Dear Elder" messages that she receives, they are a great welcome. Please keep them coming, she can't always promise a reply but we will keep you up to date right here ;-)
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Italy Rome Sorellas at the MTC |