"My highlight of this week was a TRC visit! (which is basically teaching teachers who are meant to be investigators) This was yesterday and Sister Lohmann was playing a "less active member" called Ana! The scenario was that she had served a mission in Brazil and has basically just been going to a different ward so she's not really less active. haha. But she doesn't believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, yet has a testimony of everything else. Regarding Joseph Smith, she just thinks he's a good man. So for the lesson we focussed on Joseph Smith and the restoration and had a mini testimony meeting as our lesson. Then at the end we asked if we could come by and go through the other lessons with her anyway. At this point she told us she spoke English as well as Deutsch! But we did the lesson in Deutsch. At the end I shared a personal experience of when we had the missionaries teach in our home. I obviously had to give the experience in English though with as many German words as I could think of. But the Spirit was amazing in that lesson, I felt it so much and 'Ana' was in tears! So Elder Nebeker and I are confident it was a successful lesson!"
"On P-Day we went to the temple for the 8am session. I think we alternate each week between 8am and 1.30pm. So next P-day should be 1/1.30pm again. I love being in the temple with my zone and district. Sister East is in my zone so it's great to have somebody I know. Last Wednesday, the Fells were on our session which was great to see them. Unfortunately I literally just missed Grandad. Sister Cope put a little note in my clothes basket today at the the temple just checking I got the package all though I never saw her to say yes and thank you!"
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Alpine German Speaking Elders leaving the Temple |
Time really is flying by, Elder Robertson says, "The days seem to all roll into one! They're almost exactly the same. We have to teach 2 investigators every day except for Sunday and P-day. It's pretty tough, especially when in Provo they only teach 1-2 times a week. Pretty harsh!!! The Deutsch is definitely coming along. I'm at the stage where certain words in English just don't exist anymore, it's just automatically in Deutsch without a thought! Crazy how that happens! Two of our teachers served in our mission! (Sister Lohmann and Brother Field). Sister Lohmann knows Elder Pugh which is pretty cool! They're both great teachers. Can you beleive that I'm at the halfway mark of the MTC/first transfer???? It's crazy how fast time has gone by!!!"
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"Our version of the Beatles" |
Elder Robertson has been quick to make good friends with all of his Zone / District, so much so that the four Elders in his District have been given the nickname of "our version of the Beatles" by Sister Bawden who is a Sister in their zone (also off to to the Alpine German Speaking Mission).
Sister Bawden's mother messaged Lisa this week telling her that "my daughter, Sister Emily Bawden said on her blog today, that she enjoys your son and his fun sense of humor!". On Sister Bawden's blog, she says "My favorite British Elder is Elder Robertson because he is super duper funny! He has a really low voice and will come up to you and just say the most random things like, 'Did you use the dirty hover this mornng?' (referring to a vacuum). They also think it's disgusting that we Americans use the same fork we used at dinner for dessert. Oh, their manners crack me up!" - Yes that sounds like Ammon, he can be particular on hygiene, but it's good to know he is getting on, making friends and lightening up the days of his friends just as his letters and emails lighten up our weeks.
One thing Elder Robertson and Sorella Robertson are really appreciative of are the letters and e-mails that you are all sending to them. Unfortunately, they only get between 20-30 minutes a week to read and reply to their e-mails, so they both apologise if you don't get a personal response - but they are so very thankful (please keep them coming!)