Week 3
The week started off where my zone thought it would be hilarious to pretend that it was one of the Elder's birthday. So in the canteen we got a cheesecake, stuck a carrot on the top and sang happy birthday to him. It was amusing, as a whole load of people joined in and clapped etc, it was hil! The funniest thing about the whole experience was that he thought it would be funny to tell us it was his birthday, but then we got him back, because he was so embarrassed hahah!! We even had some of the Elders get their parents to send in cake and stuff for the occasion haha; so it was a crazy day!
Also this week we finished teaching Alessandro!! He is now our teacher haha! (which is so so weird). He has put a feedback video up on Youtube and happened to mention Sorella Brunson and my singing (when we taught him). If you search 'Alessandro Negli - Alessandro Follow Up' or soooomething like that - you should find it!!
This is the link. http://youtu.be/-b-ar44-Pn4
On Sunday, I accompanied a musical item. The piece was "Saviour, Redeemer of my Soul" .. but not just a regular piece, it was an AMAZING version! I was given a short time frame to look at the music, but I learnt it in 3 days (which is really incredible, what with the limited time that I get to practise here) it really was a miracle! I have it recorded, but at the moment my camera won't send recordings through the wifi (I think it could be because the file is too large, so I'll have to upload it to an email later).
Regarding learning the Italian language, so this week I managed to remember the Missionary purpose in Italian, and half of the 1st vision in Italian. Good progress, we have set goals as a district regarding learning certain things and I will keep you updated.
Week 4
Although thousands of miles away, Sorella Robertson showed that her family are always close to her heart as she opened her group e-mail with a big birthday shout out to her sister, Beth.
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"Birthday Shout-out" to Beth |
It's funny that both Ammon and I are having such similar experiences, even with the little amusing things. Just like Ammon, people think it's hilarious that I say certain words and stuff. Some struggle to understand me and I struggle to understand them (EVEN WHEN THEY'RE NOT SPEAKING ITALIAN - Haha!!).
The language is getting better! I can now do the missionary purpose and Joseph Smith's First Vision in Italian. Our district set a goal to have D+C 4 in English memorized by Tuesday (yesterday) and we all got it downnnnnn! ;) Our goal is to have it in Italian by Sunday.... soooo we'll see !!! :D Another goal we have set as a district is to bear our testimony to 3 different people every day in Italian. It was scary at first, but it really does help and the spirit you feel while doing it is totes amazeeeee!
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Sharing MTC Experiences Sorella Robertson and Elder Griffiths with Friends |
The MTC is proving to be a great experience and one of the great things that adds to it is that Sorella Robertson is able to share some of these experiences with friends from back home who are also in the MTC at this time. This week, she ran into Elder Ethan Griffiths (Birmingham Stake - called to serve in the China, Hong Kong Mission).
As each week passes by we can see how Sorella Robertson is being so well prepared to engage the people of the the Italy Rome Mission in gospel discussions. She will shine!