Saturday, 15 August 2015

Dielsdorf 27/7/15 - 10/8/15 Wochen 31 & 32 von 2015- Wahnsinn! Es ist ein Jahr!!‏

Week 31 of 2015- Craziness! It’s been a year!!‏
Grüezi wohl!!

So, a missionary has 3 year marks- a year until he goes home, a year away from home and a year in the mission!! I've already hit the first two and by the end of this new transfer I'd have passed all 3 of those! Time goes way too fast!! So, in a year what have I learnt.... German is actually a beautiful language (or maybe that’s cause I hear Swiss German all the time). It's beautiful no matter! Switzerland is the most beautiful country I have EVER been to!!! I love this place more than I have ever loved anywhere! The people, the cities, the dorfs, the mountains, EVERYTHING!!! And most importantly, how true this work is! My testimony is no longer based on Faith! It is based on knowledge! I know with every fibre of my being how true this Church is, how real the Atonement is, and that Jesus Christ truly is our Lord and Saviour! Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us because He loves us! I know that to be a fact!! These are just a few things I have learnt in the past year! If I wrote everything, I don't think this email would ever end!!!
Its been a year already!
So Monday! Lots of emails, then we had an appointment with M! The appointment went well and there is no way he couldn't feel the Spirit that was there!! We committed him to baptism and he said yes, but it was more of a passive type yes, and he followed it with a "but I want to speak with my pastor on Sunday"; so we aren't quite going to count it as a baptismal date yet, but we're gonna meet him on Tuesday, so we'll try and follow up on that one! Then we ended the day with Wagamamas!! The temptation was just too hard to resist! Plus, Wagamamas had free wifi, so we could keep emailing while we waited for food!!!

Tuesday! I don't have much written down in my journal from Tuesday, apart from District Meeting! It was a really spiritual DM! Plus, everything that was spoken about was like really personal to me. I've been struggling quite a bit recently with training and not seeing success from our work, cause I just want to give him the best start to his mission I possibly can and when we are getting like next to no lessons a week and finding hardly anyone, it just sucks! But DM really helped and then I got a blessing from Elder Murray (DL). It was a nice day!
Wednesday! Lesson with Frank, a few vorbeis and a lunch appointment! Lunch was amazing, as per! We had steam-cooked fish, risotto and some veggies! It was so good and then we just did a load of finding!!

Thursday! Fetch! This week went by sooo quickly!! So studies, then we did a personal touch! This time we did chocolate cupcakes with Biscoff frosting, topped with a mini daim!! They were so good and Biscoff frosting is amazing!!! Then we had a lesson with M. He had a lot of questions, but we answered them and he understood! We sent out an email on Thursday to the whole Branch asking them to pray with us for M that he'll receive an answer! The Branch are amazing! We got quite a few replies and those who didn't reply said on Sunday that they got it and are praying for him, so I love this Branch! They are amazing!! Then we had dinner with the Prohaskas! Schw Prohaska is the RS Pres and Brü Prohaska is the YM Pres! They are such an awesome couple! And the food was amazing! Swiss people and cooking is just the BEST!!! Then we helped Brü Prohaska with his Home Teaching! It was a cool evening!

Freitag! After studies we headed to Oerlikon/Seebach to meet up with Wettingen and just did some power finding in our area! So I worked with Murray for an hour and a half, while Palmer worked with Stomps. Then we swapped for like another hour and a half and just went finding! We found quite a few potentials that day, so it was awesome! Then we had a lesson with S and Bible Prophecies! Mine this time was Isaiah 21:4-6 .. it was a little weird and this time it didn't really link to transfer calls very well!

Saturday! Bundesfeir!!! So, the 1st of August is like Swiss National Pride Day or something like that! So there wasn't too much we could actually do! We started the day with transfer calls! Obviously we are staying together here in Dielsdorf! Although this transfer there are a lot of changes going on! So the Freiburg Zone is getting dissolved and is now joining the Zürich zone and we are losing the Bonstetten District. They are going to the St Gallen zone! It all makes sense! So now, each zone is the Stake! Meh! I'll send a map so you can see how it is now – compared to how it was!

Sonntag! Was a nice day! We had a couple of investigators at church an,d again we had to do another ‘on the spot’ Gospel Principles Class! I think it went okay! Then we had studies to finish and then to our GML’s again for dinner and GMK! It was a good day!
Today we had an early one! We headed to Deutschland! We are actually using the wifi in Maccies to send an email before getting our train, so I best get this sent before we have to leave!!! I love you all masses!
Alles Liebe,
Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxx

Week 32 of 2015
Höi zäme!

So, Monday we had a nice early start and headed off to Germany to go shopping, which meant that we got a nice cheap shop and it will last us this week as well, so basically shopping today we only need to get like 2/3 things. Sweet! The weather was beautiful! Although I forgot my camera, so I never got pictures this week. Sorry! And emails! In the evening we headed out and did a bit of Tür zu Tür! We had a fair amount of pretty good conversations and we found a lady who was so Golden! We gave her a BOM and she said to come by on Wednesday at 19.00! Sweet!!!

Dienstag! So district meeting, was pretty good again! My first DM this transfer where I didn't have an assignment to do for it! Wahey!! So it was nice to just sit and listen and join in as and when I pleased! Then we had a lesson with M! He never spoke with his Pastor, as he couldn't go to his Church on Sunday. He had an operation on his ankle like 2 months or so ago, so he can't drive and he couldn't find someone who would pick him up, so no Taufdatum yet, but I think we're getting there with him! Slowly, but getting there! The prayers are appreciated!

Wednesday was a pretty long day! We did a few vorbeis and had a couple of lessons from them and then in the venong we had this lady we met on Monday! It was so cool! He  husband/ boyfriend was also there and he was super cool and interested as well! She had so many questions it was crazy, but questions are great! We taught the Restoration lesson and the
member we took with us, was AMAZING!! Shout out to Brü Walder! He legit was the best joint teach I think I've ever had!!!

Thursday we paid Brü Walder back a little bit by spending the day at his place and helped with the building/renovation work. We were putting up a wall this time! It was cool! Looking at what we had accomplished- it looked like nothing, but oh man! It was crazy work! And they fed us- amazing as per! Then home to do 12 week prog. and Sprach! Also, today was transfer day! Craziness! I only have 7 of them left!! Weird thought!

Freitag morgen! So the ZL's called us up Thurday evening saying that we need to meet them at their chapel Friday morning, as we are going to do a handover lesson! So we're like, ummm okay! So we do roleplays all morning for this lesson, which is supposed to be auf Deutsch! Then we get there and the ZL's aren't there yet, but she is, so we speak with her auf Deutsch, then the ZL's come and we start the lesson and they start it in English, so she speaks English and German. Not bad! So we taught in English and she is super cool and open and so ready to learn! She comes from China and is married to a Swiss guy. We have another lesson with her this morning at 11 and we'll be teaching her here at the chapel, then after teaching her we'll do a bit more emailing before heading out to Zürich. Then after our lesson, we did a bit of Tür zu Tür whilst waiting for our train and found a potential! She was also super cool and wants to know how she can have a stronger relationship with God! Then Weekly Planning! Then in the evening we went to Familie Oseles' for dinner! Then they drove us home. 

Saturday! It was a strange day! Not too much happened, but it also seemed as though we did loads! Weird! Then we had a less active lesson in the evening!

Sonntag! It was a nice Sunday! For Sunday School we met with S (he's the one who's a part member family and he has a Taufdatum for Sept 13th), so we went through the baptismal interview with him so that A) he knows what to expect and B) so we know what we need to go over with him in the next month. He is so prepared! Legit, from that mock interview, he is ready to be baptised today! So pray for him, please!!! Then after church we had lunch with Schw. Marty! It was super good as per. It feels like forever since when we went to Schw. Marty last time. Craziness!! .. but that was basically our week! It was a much better week than last week.

I believe that is about it, but I'm gonna end with a nice list of names that President Kohler calls us at the start of his weekly emails:
Meine Geistige Krieger (My Spiritual Warriors)
Meine Liebe Missionare (My Dear Missionaries)
Meine Träger der Wahrheit (My Carriers of Truth)
My Special Forces
Mitlehrer des Evangeliums (Not quite sure of the translation for
Mitlehrer- Teachers of the Gospel)
Meine Kämpfer (My Fighters)
Kameraden (Comrades)
Verteidiger der Wahrheit (Defenders of Truth)
Meine geliebten Weihnachtsengel (My Loved Christmas Angels)
Meine Fleißige Missionare (My Hardworking Missionaries)
Treuer des Wortes (Loyalty of the Word)
Fleißige Dienerschaft (Hardworking Servants)
Verteiler der Wahrheit (Distributors of Truth)
Sammler der Ausserwählten (Collectors of the Chosen)
Zeugen der Wahrheit (Testifiers of Truth)
Kollegen in Christus (Colleagues in Christ)
Super Helden der Wahrheit (Superheroes of Truth)
Entscheider der Guten (Chooser of the Good)
Geschwister der Mönche (Siblings of Monks)- weird!
Vertreter des Herrn (Representatives of the Lord)
Lehrer der Menschen (Teachers of People)
Träger des Plans (Carriers of the Plan)
Armee der Alpen (Army of the Alps)
Maibaum Mannschaft (Maypole Team)- strange!
Segler für den Erretter (Sailors for the Savior)
Anhänger von Anweisungen (Followers of Instructions)
Wölfe der Bekehrung (Wolves of Conversion)- Where they get a little weird...
Lasttiere (Pack Animals)
Drachenflieger (Dragonflies)
Bewaffnet und bereit Missionare (Armed and Ready Missionaries)
Sammler von Öl (Collectors of Oil)
Seher des Unsichtbaren (Seer of the Invisible)
Bergsteiger (Mountain Climbers)
Pfadfinder (Pathfinder)
Wandteppiche Weber (Tapestry Weavers)- Super Weird!
Wechselhafte Missionare (Changable Missionaries)
Grifers des Guten (Grifers of Good)

I have no idea how he manages to find the time to come up with a new name every week! Life of a Mission Presdident, hey!

Have a great week!

Alles Liebe,

Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx