Week one of the fortnight ...
Okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sooooooo....
First.. I have an update... we will be getting our I-Pads at Zone conference.. the Catania zone conf will be on the 17th :) I'M SO EXCITED CUS THERE IS SO MANY THINGS ME AND REBER NEED THEM FOR!! We met this one lady who wants to do the lessons, but she will be in Romania for a few weeks in the Summer... then there is the man Mom mentioned.. I'll ask President about that in my weekly email! I think that would be awesome! :)
Well, about my week!
Monday... we attempted to go shopping. Just ended up in Zara... not too bad but I got nothing.. just some new perfume. I still haven't got around to spending my birthday money. I might wait until I get transfered cus there isn't much here in terms of 'places to shop' sooooo I shall learn patience ha! :)
The highlight was defs the video Beth sent me of her singing. I watched it over and over again hehehehe It was so cute and lush and beauts! Then when p-day came to an end we had an appointment with our simp, Gabe, with la famiglia Cascone (a really really great family that I love so much) and we spoke about the Plan of Salvation. They gave really good comments and bore really solemn tesimonies. We shared with them the mormon message 'Earthly Father, Heavenly Father' and explained that God is literally our Father... then led onto the whole point of his plan .. the reason why he created his plan for us etc etc and it just led on smoothly to an explanation of the Plan of Salvation :) It went really really well! They gave us a ride home.. then went and took Gabe out for pizza to speak more! :) We asked Gabe the next day how he thought it went and he said that he has a lot of questions, but that he thinks the Plan of Salvation is beautiful :) HE IS AWESOME! We actually have a lesson about the Restoration planned with the Di Martino family for tonight :) Pray for us all! :)
Tuesday... We did DDM! It was awesome, but it wasn't the same. Anziano Smith had left for home... Brandon was in Catania with another missionary, as he was companion'less. So it was just the Ragusa Sorelle and The Anziani in Gela (Jorgenson and Kelly). It was super awesome! We appointed Jorgenson to be stand in DL hahaha and so he did an addrestramento, which was awesome! :) Then Jorgenson and Kelly did a musical item.. Kelly singing and playing the guitar and Jorg singing too! IT WAS SO DREAMY! (and I do not mean that in a creepy way).. they just have amazing voices! :) Then as requested.. I made scones again. THEY CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF EM! hahahaha I even made gluten and sugar free ones for Reber.... I can't imagine they were as nice as the normal ones, but she said that they were really good soooo va bene! :)
Then we received a few cancellations from various people who shall not be named..... Then we got followed by a man wearing all denim. Then some Jehovah Witnesses' saved us. (we are pals with them! :) They were really nice. This man had been following us for a while as we were walking and we didn't know what to do, so we approached them and 'asked for directions' then when the man had passed (very slowly) we told them the truth and then they walked us to our appointment. They were really sweet :) Then before English course we met up with Gabe to speak again about the Plan of Salvation... it went really well, but we ran out of time and he still has more questions :) Then English course was awesome... although this time there was only 2 people there... haha awkward! Good job the Anziani weren't there!
Wednesday... we went to see Rita! :) She is just the SWEETEST!!!! I LOVE THAT WOMAN!!! and Destiny, her son is the sweetest little kid! :) We spoke with her about faith and the power of the Atonement :) Then we did finding and got 3 solid contacts that seemed really genuine! So speriamo bene!! :) Then we did a FHE with the Guastella family (our ward mission leader and his fam) it went really well. Sorella Guastella has broken both her wrists - poor thing - but Fratello Gand Monia (their daughter) is really good to her! :) Fills my lil heart with joy!
Funny things I wrote about that day..... We were chatted up by police men.... Got asked on 2 dates by 2 other strange old men... (one of these men this was the 3rd time he has asked hahahahaha) and that was it! Honestly I think I've been asked out on more dates being a missionary in Italy than I have ever been asked out on as a normal chick in the uk. #saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! It's cool though ahhahahaha.
Thursday... We went to the old people's home to do service! Really though, it doesn't feel like service, because all we do is talk to them! It's really good for the language practise.. really they are doing us service hahaha! :) The old people there are so cute! Some only really speak Siciliano, so that can get awkward to understand haha, but they are the sweetest souls! :) Then we watched the Restoration DVD with a lady who lives 2 floors above us. :) She is a very involved Catholic, but she wants us to meet her child and grandchildren! So that's awesome! Apparently she always talks about us to them! :) haha Then we saw Sorella Ragusa :) aaaaaand did English course :)
Friday.... We went to Comiso to see the Minardo family! We read Ether 12 with them and spoke about how faith enables miracles and the importance of charity and faith, as they are essential for salvation. :) It went really well and I think they enjoyed our company :)
Theeeen we went home and did weekly planning and set some awesomeeeeeeee goals! :) Theeeeen went to do a spiritual thought with the Puglisis! I LOVE THEM! and as usual, they entertained us with their singing <3 Then we went to clean the church with Vescovo and his family... but then they couldn't make it..
Quotes of the day (In English) 'a big beautiful tongue' -Marco 'I really like when I can see the turminator (moon)' - Gabe 'Quandiamo' -me 'Appinche' -Reber ALSO! I was meant to say that Jesus Christ suffered for us... but instead I sbagliato''''''ed and said that he deep-fried for us. AWKWARD! (in the middle of the spiritual thought we did for English course.)
Saturday... We did findingggggggggg in the morning! Me and Reber did a chalk mostra in town! :) Got 2 really good contacts :) Then went to see Gideon and Faith ... we bumped into Gideon on the bus and he told us they want to see us again.. and so we set up an appointment with them. They fed us FUFU! Reber's 1st time!! Then cow intestine ... sooooo REBER TOOK ONE FOR THE TEAM!!!! little legend!! :) The lesson went really well! Then we had corellation!
Sundaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.... RITA, DESTINY, GABE anddddd the COMISO GUASTELLA FAMILY CAME TO CHURCH!!!!! :):):) IT was SO AWESOME to see them!! :) and all the members were really good with them :):) Then we pranzo'ed with the Puglisis! <33333 And did door to door finding, where we met a guy called Alfio! He seemed super cool and we have an appointment with him this week! :)
Wellllllll that was my week! It was awesome!!
I love you all a ton!
I love this gospel
I love Sicillians! <3
Week 2 .......
Finding during Mostra in Town |
Finding during Mostra in Town |
Finding during Mostra in Town |
Finding during Mostra in Town |
Wellllll, this week had been brilliantly full of cancellations, but it's okay, cus we haven't let that stop us! Let me start with Monday...
P-day we planned to go to H&M, but the buses here are like the ... I was trying to think of a comparison, but there is nothing as bad in existance hahahahaha. Kidding. But seriously! Soo really we ended up hanging out and not doing anything, so that sucked hahaha. BUT WE SAW GABE IN THE EVENING FOR A LESSON, WHICH WENT SO WELL!!! :)
Tuesday... The day began with a ward activity.... well, it should have began 'Mormon timing' ... We got there for 11AM. Nobody else got there until about 1.00PM hahahaha, but it's okay! The actvity itself went well. The members bought a ton of non member friends, so it was a great finding opportunity for us misisonaries! I was really impressed with the members efforts to invite their friends! The members here in Ragusa are incredible!! I literally love them so so much! They are the best! ANYWAY! We organised a game... then a spiritual thought.. but we didn't end up doing it. We went to try and see Mima... she wasn't in, so we went back to the chapel to help them clean up (the activity was still going on!!!!) haahha then we had English course!!!!!! Anziano Martin did English course. It was awesome!
Wednesday.. It began with DDM. It was way different, but it was super cool. In our district we now have Anz. Brandon, Martin, Bellows and Sapper, who is actually friends with Viktor Akebrand.. he's from Sweden! He's really awesome! So, finally someone with a connection haha)! It went well! Then we had to rush straight off cus he had lessons planned. (today was actually a really fab day) We went right to see Sorella Appiah, a less active member- we shared a mormon message about Christ :) She really seemed to appreciate our visit and she invited us back :) Then we met up with some potentials, R and D! We spoke about private English course lessons, but told them that if we were to do that, we would also teach them the 5 gospel lessons... then explained our purpose as missionaries. They were really cool with it and we shared a mormon message there and then! I know that they felt the spirit!!!! :) Then we saw Rosemary. After Rosemary, we saw the Angelini family. They are an awesome family! They have a ton of questions about the Plan of Salvation too. :)
Thursday.. We did some findinggggggggg! Then we saw the Di Martino family to do a spiritual thought with them :) They are an incredible family!! :) After, we went to see Gabe and spoke about fasting, then invited him to fast with us and he accepted!! :)
Friday.. We went to try and see a contact potential, but it was in Modica.. a different city and the trains weren't running there at the time we needed and she didn't return our calls to confirm... so we went back home to plan for the week! Then the rest of the day proceeded with cancellations. Sooooo we did finding!
Saturday, we began with a Mostra with the anziani. We did the Plan of Salvation, with chalk! We got a few really promising contacts :) Then we went to a pharmacy, because we met a man that works there who we have seen a few times and we just felt good about going to see him again... so we did just that! :) It went really well! He gave us a ton of free samples of creams and oils and makeup and stuff:) Then we gave him a family 'a proclamation to the world' pamphlet. He is awesome! His name is Vincenzo and he has a very young family! :) So we will pop by again this week to see if he had the chance to read it and to maybe get an appointment with him and his family :) Then we saw the angelini's again, and Iolanda! :)
Sunday .. We had church :) Then had pranzo with the Chinessssssssssss <3 and started our fast with Gabe! :)
Today, we did a reverse P'day as we watched a conference talk with Gabe first! :)
Anyways! I'm sorry this isn't as long as last week, but know that I know this is the Lord's work. I know that it's part of the mission to have harder weeks than others and this was one of them, but that there is so much to be done in this area. Ragusa has so much potential and it's gonna just bomb VERY soon!!! We just need to keep relying on the Lord and trying our best to be diligent! I love this work. I love you all! I love our Saviour and Redeemer and I know that this gospel is true.
Keep being amazing. I LOVE EACH ONE OF YOU WITH ALL MY HEARTS!!! Okay okay I only have one heart, but I love you with all of that!
Sorella Robertson