It’s been a mixed fortnight …
So, week one, after P-Day on Monday we held an FHE with the Maccione
family!!!! THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! It went really well! :)
On Tuesday we had DDM and started advertising for the Smettere di Fumare
program we are starting up (stop smoking in 7 days program ran by the
church...). Sorella Nagliati and myself will run it and so I’m hoping it goes
well and maybe we can get some potentials from it!!
OH a funny story about that... we made the biglittinis for it (handouts)
and left them for the man at the internet shop to print and copy them, so we
could pick them up the next day... ANYWAYS when we got there to pick them up,
he had edited them and stuck a picture of Jesus (Catholic picture) next to the
red line through the cigarette picture and he said 'I change it a bit cause I
think you like this' …he was dead serious ahhaha!! And we were like “errrrrrrrrm
we'll stick with the original!” Haha IT
ALSO, this week we started RUNNING in the morning for exercise time because
our neighbour gets soooooooooooooooo mad when we make noise before 8am! OOPS!
On Wednesday the STLs came for an exchange. IT WAS SO FUN!! They are
super sweet!!! Sorella Marsh and Sorella Clyde!!! (love them!!) :):) So, I went
in the morning with Sorella Clyde and we went to Ghizlanes house (we teach her
English and leave her with a spiritual thought). This time we just showed her
the 'grazie e lui - because of him' the Mormon Message video! and her husband was
there too for the spiritual thought with their 2 year old son. It was SO! So! good!!!! Before I left the apartment
for the appointment I felt prompted to bring a 'piano di salvezza' pamphlet
with me. (no idea why but I just did). At the end of our appointment he started
asking about what happens when we die?
So we discussed that with him, then I pulled out the pamphlet all
chuffed with myself hahaha! We left them with the commitment to read and pray
about it!!! IT WAS AWESOOOOOOOME! We shall continue to follow up with them :):)
In the afternoon I was working with Sorella Marsh - we did loads of
finding!!! We found this really cool lady... she was smoking and we did a
sondaggio (question thing). So we asked her ' how many times have you smiled
today?' and she said 'about 5' and we asked why? She said she has a daughter
and sooooooooooo then we do what missionaries do best and linked it to the
gospel and spoke to her about the family!! :) She seemed super interested and
told us she would love for us to meet with her to hear more. She told us she is
an atheist but just because nothing has given her reason to believe or she hasn’t
yet found a philosophy that seems right to her and she said 'maybe this is it?'
And while I was doing this, Sorella Nagliati went to a family that have
never been taught, but were in the area book! She said it went AMAZINGLY and we
are hoping to see them this week too!!! So we have VERY high hopes!!!!!
Thursday was the usual... lots of finding and advertising. We had an
appointment with a member, but she cancelled on us... then we went to the
chapel for English course and I played the piano for a bit, while a YSA was on
the guitar!! It was really cool :) then on the way home on the bus with the
Anziani the CRAZY MAN WAS ON THE BUS!!!! Soooo, we have a local crazy man that
everybody knows hahahahahah and he was talking to us (more like shouting hahaha
bless him) and he offered us chocolate and stuff ... and he kept giving it to
Sorella Nagliati and then he wanted to give her almonds and she was like 'I’m allergic'
hahahahahha and he said “NO, NO, NO, TAKE, TAKE!” Hahahahahahhaha it was hil!!!
He then started singing and shouting and calling us beautiful and crazy stuff. It
was so funny! But we were so glad the Anziani were with us though!!!!
When we got home on the night, we found the apartment in total darkness,
we had no power!!!!!!!! When we woke up in the morning we still had no power hahaha!!
So, I asked the man next door and he fixed it for us.... it was super strange (because
that’s the 2nd time our power has messed up! Sorella Nagliati thinks it’s our
neighbour who live in the apartment beneath us…(the one that gets mad at us)
hahahaha, so it’s a mystery, but I think it’s hilarious!
Then on Friday we went to Belinda’s house. We went to help her make art
things for her daughter. We made Arty Christmas things for her :) THEN!!!
A MIRACLE MOMENT! One of our investigators that we had fasted for, so that he
could find a job before January, so he could get a house! WELLLLLLL HE CALLED
US THIS WEEK TO TELL US HE HAS A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing
is that!!??????????????? We are SO SO SO HAPPY!!! We just hope he realizes that
it was an answer to his prayer and not just coincidence!!!!!
Then on Saturday the Ascoli Anziani and Pescara Anziani had baptisms and
I was asked do to a musical number for the baptisms! I did 'If the Saviour
stood beside me' and 'Saviour Redeemer of my Soul'. The baptisms were
beautiful!! :)
:):):):):) Anziano Mika is moving... and Anziano Woolsey goes home.... So MY
PREDICTION WAS RIGHT. Anziani DUFFIN AND LURSCHOUR (if that’s how you spell it)
ARE TRAINING!!!!!!! That means our ward are getting 2 new greenies, so I will
not be the newest missionary anymore :S !!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!! Super
excited though!!! Also Anziano Robi (DL) is moving to Sicillia to be ZL and we
are getting a new Anziano (the one Ammon knows from EFY... I can’t remember his
name, but he came in with me!) And Anz Molner (our German anz) will be our new
DL! So a lot of changes within the district!!! But we are super excited!!! :)
The District Before Transfers - Not sure why Sorella Nagilat and myself are so far from the Anziani |
The District - Post Transfers |
So, week two of this fortnight has been
On Tuesday, WE HAD A LESSON WITH an Investigator, who dropped us a few
weeks ago, but he requested to see us again J So we figured that we
would go all the way back to the start and reteach The Restoration. Ensuring that
we focus on the basics, A Belief in God, Jesus Christ and a Belief that Joseph
Smith is a Prophet of God. So we asked him the grand question of ?Do you
believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God?' (with the assumption that
he would say yes, so we could then explain… well ... 'if you have a testimony
of that, then you know that this is Christ’s gospel, and that prophets receive
revelation from Prophets, and the Word of Wisdom is inspired revelation etc
etc. BUT he pulled a bombshell out on us. He isn’t sure about Joseph Smith. SO unfortunately
our lesson plan didn’t entirely work out, but it was a good job we were prepared
for it! We spoke about receiving revelation and answers to prayers… and
feelings of the Spirit! We shared a few talks from apostles and prophets and
shared our personal experiences. Sorella Nagliati spoke about how she came to
know that the Book of Mormon was true and I spoke about how I came to know that
Joseph Smith was a true prophet. After that, we re-invited him to baptism AND
HE ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, we are praying so hard that he recognises
when he receives his answer from Heavenly Father about Joseph Smith. So, if all
goes well he will get baptised on the 10th January! :D SO EXCITED! The spirit
was so strong in that lesson and we were just SO HAPPY.
Then at our English course the topic we were teaching was 'At the
Restaurant', it was hilarious, as per-usual! And then we got them to practise
Jingle Bells (the English course students are supposed to be singing Jingle Bells
in English for our ward activity this Saturday. It’s gonna be HILARIOUUUUS! :)
Then I did a spiritual thought about prayer and one of the guys who attend,
PRAYED!!!!!!! And it was a really cute prayer!! :)
ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Another fasting miracle!!!!! So, at
the beginning of last transfer Mom and Dad joined Sorella Naglaiti and myself
in fasting, so that we would find a family. So, for a while the work was slow, none of our
simps (investigators) were progressing and we just had a really tough time in
general!!! WELL....... WE HAVE FOUND THIS AMAZING FAMILY!!!! The Mom is
called Monica. Her husband is called Danilo and her daughter is called Odeght!
:) She is Peruvian and the husband Italian! The daughter is 11! THEY ARE
GOLDEN!!! We found them doing area book finding! They were never simps, just
potentials and we did a getting to know them (lesson 0) and they gave us dinner
and yesterday we taught the Restoration and invited them to read and pray about
the Book of Mormon and before we could even invite them, he asked for the Book of
Mormon and told us he is going to read it and that “it’s the best gift we could
have given” them!! We gave one in Spanish for Monica too! She speaks perfect
Italian but it’s easier for her to understand in Spanish!!! SO YESTERDAY WAS
AMAZING!!... and they fed us!!! Lasagne ! It was lushlushlush!!! :):):):):):):)
Then on Saturday we had a lesson with Jenny. We showed her the
Restoration video in Tagalog and then spoke a mix of English and Italian with
her! We brought a member with us and she was AMAZING! Sorella Salvatore... I
LOVE THAT WOMAN!!! Jenny cried when we watched the video and told us
something deeply touched her heart!!!! SO WE ARE SO SO SO SO EXCITED RIGHT
NOW!!!! The Lord really does answer prayers and I have SUCH a strong testimony
of fasting!! Especially since being on a mission!!
My Missionary Planner - All Festive |
SO! funny stories of the week.... about our crazy neighbours....(who
live in the apartment below us) and he HATES noise. He even wrote a really rude
letter to the previous Sisters. As I mentioned earlier, we can’t exercise in
the apartment because of him, so we go outside jogging but it’s recently turned
so cold! :(:( anyways! On Thursday I was in a super happy mood hahahaha and I
was singing 'Where are you Christmas?' in the shower .. full works, with my “hoo
face” I pull and everything in a squeaky American accent (From the Grinch)... hahahahahhaahhahaha
and when I got out the shower I heard this horrific noise and I thought it was Sorella
Nagliati taking the mick,,,, but when I asked her she was like 'errrrrrr no?'
then!!!! The doorbell rang.... it was our neighbours GF saying 'DO YOU HAVE TO
LANDLORD!!' so we were like errrrrrrrrrrrr uh oh!! and Sorella Nagliati was
liiiike 'SORELLA I TOLD YOU, YOU CANT MAKE NOISE!!!' and I was like 'woops' and
we were super scared the police would come or something.... but they never did!
I think they were all talk and no action but now I think it’s hilarious ahahhaa!!!
I thought I was so funny... but our neighbour didn’t…oops"! We since figured
that it must have been our neighbour making all that noise to take the mick
Another interesting story!
So, as we were waiting for Sorella Salvatore at the train station to
pick us up to go to Jenny’s lesson, this guy across the road was smiling at
us.... but I was getting really creeped out, so I told Sorella Nagliati... and she
was like 'ha, weird!' Then the guy came over to us with an old man and the old
man says 'hey, do you ladies know the price of silver right now?' and we were
like 'errrrrrr... no?' and he was like 'oh, that’s a shame.... anyway this
young man here wants to get to know you more...' then the old man walked off. We
were like errrrrrrrrrrm hahaha 'ciao!' So he started asking us all these
questions like where we were from etc! So we told him “we are missionaries” and
gave him a pass along card... and he asked 'Is this your number?' and we were
like 'yeah....' and he said 'and if I come to this address, you will be here?'
(church address) and we were like 'yeah on Sunday 9-12' and he was like ok,
So, ‘The Stop Smoking’ course was a flop. Literally, no one turned up,
but because we have advertised it we have to go for at least 2 more weeks, then
we can forget about the whole thing.. awkward!
We have done pretty well this week with Dinner Appointments too!
Yesterday.... we had lunch with the Colella family then with OUR NEW
SIMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It felt so good to say this week
when we reported to our DL that we have '3 NEW SIMPS!!!!!' he was super excited
for us!! Anziano Molner is GREAT!!!!!
Now on a spiritual note… when we were at the Colella’s house, our
spiritual thought was about Kindness... since it’s the Christmas season! :) We
used a talk by Joseph B. Wirthlin. Here are a couple of quotes I love. 'Kind
words not only lift our Spirits in the moment they are given, but they can
linger with us over the years' and 'Kindness is a passport that opens doors and
fashions friends' I loved the talk!! You will all have read it, it’s