I’m now in Italy! The real work has begun! My flights were delayed by
like 6 hours, but I got there in the end!!! I was one of the lucky ones who arrived
with all of my luggage :):):) Our delay was so ridiculous BUT we got there
eventually. The good part about our delay at Heathrow was that I was able to
share with my zone some of my favourite English snacks that I had been craving
for 6 weeks!!!!! Hahaha. I was a bit popular that day! (it was soo good to have
a galaxy ripple or 2 once again haha!!!)
When we arrived in Rome, they drove us past the temple!! (ITS HUGE)
bigger than I expected! But because it was so late we didn’t get the traditional
photograph stood outside it! ANY way we went to the mission home and ate, got
interviewed by Pres. Waddoups and had our Golden Envelope which told us of our
area and trainer!
I opened mine and it saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaid:
Roma 3 : Sorella Perkins!
Okay soooooooooooooooooo, I’m in Rome 3 (one of the roughest areas in
the mission) BUT I’m a missionary so I’ll be protected, prayers for protection
would defs be appreciated. BUT I have a really good trainer and she has told me
where to avoid and like I said I’m a missionary and president knows what he’s
doing!! Beth Arnold served here last transfer (when there used to be 4 Sorelle
and 4 Anziani)... now there’s just 2 Sorelle and 4 Anziani (one Anziani was with my group in the MTC, so
I know him, so that’s cool!!!)
Our apartment is a good size!!! It used to house 4 Sorelle! The
"chapel" we meet in is an old prison, literally! hahaha its super
We teach people who live in mouldy garages and abandoned building. NOT
how I thought a mission in Rome would be like, but the people here are so great
(members and those we are teaching) Oh yeah, my companion goes home after this
transfer so I’ll deffs get a new companion after this transfer which is sad!|
She’s awesome, she’s from Austrailia! She is so, so, cool! As this is her last
transfer before she goes home I’m a bit sad about it. BUT she’s real cool and I’m excited essere
qui! (to be here).
So on my first day here we taught English class, it was a pretty full
class! It’s so cool and funny hearing Italians trying to speak English, I
imagine they feel the same when I attempt Italian hahaha!
Yesterday I had my 1st Sunday in Chiesa (church) and had to share my
testimony in Italian... SCARY! It went well though! I shared my testimony in
sacrament meeting... I had it all written out.... then 2 new Anziani went up before
me to bare their testimonies (But with NO paper) so how could I embarrass
myself and take paper up? Soooooo I went without any notes AND I WAS FINE! I
even impressed myself as mine was the longest too haha! crazy!!
We also taught a lady... the story about her is so so cool! Sorella
Perkins (my collega) and Sorella Vickers (her ex collega) had a rough week one
week and prayed that day to find someone ready for baptism. They went to a less
active to drop something off for him but he wasn’t home. So they dropped it off
with their neighbour..... WHO turned out to be SO ready for the gospel! They
taught her 1st lesson that day, she came to church yesterday and LOVED it!!! And
during church she actually turned to Sorella Perkins and said "I can’t
wait to get baptised"!!!!!!!!
We taught her after church and also set a baptism date for her, she is just so ready and excited about it! Her name is V! She’s awesome!!!! We love her!!
We taught her after church and also set a baptism date for her, she is just so ready and excited about it! Her name is V! She’s awesome!!!! We love her!!
Life here is VERY different to how I expected, it is a really
interesting area with a lot of less actives and a lot of investigators also!! The people
are great here!! I love being a missionary here, I know that I’m meant to be
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Teaching the Gospel, it's what it's all about! |
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Happy to be in Rome |
Well I can now say that I have had my 1st real Italian pizza
and gelato! Also I get to go and explore real Rome today which I’m super
excited about!!
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Real Italian Pizza |
For now that’s all I really have to say because time is running out! But
I love you all and I love hearing from you all so don’t forget about me okay
LOVE YOU ALL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx