Saturday, 28 May 2016

Vienna (Wien) 2/5/16 - 16/5/16 Woche 93 & 94 - Stuff, UNO City, Vanrosen und Hochzeitsempfang!

Woche 93 von 102- Stuff....
So Montag after shopping we cleaned this place up a bit before us and Wien 4 went to go meeting up with the Sisters at Heiligenstadt, grabbed something to eat and then took the bus up to Leopoldsberg, which is like a little "mountain". It's more of a hill after Switzerland, but whatevs, with a Panorama view of Wien. It's pretty beautiful! Unfortunately it was a tad bit cloudy, so the view wasn't sooo splendid, but it was still pretty nice! Then we "hiked"(more like walked) from Leopoldsberg to Kahlenberg, which was also pretty nice. Then we "hiked" down to the bottom. Got a bit lost and stuff, passed through some crazy vineyards, which was pretty beautiful, then headed over to the chapel to email. 

After that we got changed, did a walk and talk lesson with A.  It was interesting and then finished the evening with some area book work!
Dienstag after a bit of studies we headed off to the centre to have lunch and district meeting! We did Pancakes as a district and they were super good! 

Then DM I did my own thing. I based it on what I set as our district vision for the transfer, which is "Mit Macht und Vollmacht- Lehren, Lernen und Finden!" So I based it all on scriptures and each missionary did their assignment on one of the scriptures. I asked them to study and prepare for. It worked out brilliantly and the Golden of the district (Sister Lundgreen) did the best job, like legit; if every missionary put as much thought into their assignments, district meetings would be incredible! We do our meetings auf Deutsch as well, so she really did a fantastic job! I'm impressed! Then it's Sister Neugebauer’s birthday tomorrow so we all did a sneaky card, including Elder Neugebauer and got a cake and had a little birthday party for her. Then after that we met up with M, M and B. It was a great lesson, then after that we did some vorbeis and finding, before heading to the chapel to meet with the Sisters and the Bishopric to go through the ward list and get a low down on everything and also report a few things we've found. It was super useful! Then home, sprach and dinner! Also, Elder Meiners got a package from M and A (the are a new member couple from Augsburg, who I met a few times when I was in Kaufbeuren and they still remember me, even though I was only there for 6 weeks) and they included a couple of little things for me. How awesome is that?!? 
After studies and mittags we headed out to Johnstrasse to meet an Ehemaliger at Maccies. It was interesting! So we meet this guy there and he's like: ‘Can I get you a Cappuccino?’ and we're like: ‘Nope, we don't drink coffee!’ - so he goes and gets himself one! Then he comes back to us and is like: ‘Are you sure I can't get you anything?’- so we are like: ‘No, it's fine!’- type of a thing, then he disappears again and comes back with another 2 Cappuccino’s for each of us. That was a little awkward.... Then he's trying to persuade us into drinking it; that it's not really coffee, it's more milk, etc. Finally we managed to move on from that subject and then he goes off on one about refugees and gets all racist and talks about how "Uncle Adolf had it all right, didn't he?" It was sooo awkward! We tried a number of times to take control and come to a gospel topic, but he just kept going back to his racist remarks, so we made our excuses and left. Our boiler in the apartment is having some major issues, so the guy was supposed to be coming to look at it and sort the problem today between 14.00-16.00, so we had to wait for that for a bit. He came at like 14.45 and was here for about an hour, so that was fun. Then we did some finding and vorbeis nearby. We got let in by an older couple. She comes to church every week (but I had no idea she was who she was) and he doesn't, because he's basically housebound. So we went and shared a little lesson. It was quite spiritual and we got to know them a bit better. They're a pretty cool couple. Then we headed over to Bishop and family for Abendessen. It was really good and so much fun! He has a cool little family. Then home and that was Mittwoch!
Donnerstag after Personal and Comp, we headed over to the chapel, as there's a Sister in the ward who deals with all the garden stuff and she asked us to do something for her; so we went and did it. Then we came home for mittags, got changed and did some Sprach, before heading over to the Familie S. So these guys, Elder Brady and I tried each week to get an appointment, then each time, just 1hr before they would call and cancel. I decided that this transfer we'd give them a break for a few weeks before calling them up, then he got in touch with us, so we finally met them. They are such a cool family! Then we headed over to the centre for Englischkurs. We do that during Deutschkurs, then we also have an extra one for Deutschkurs students who also want to do Englisch! So we had back to back English today, or more so, I did, whilst my companion just sits there taking a chill hour! Then after that fun, we had a lesson with M and B! It was cool! We spoke about the family and read through the family proclamation, as we got hold of it in Farsi, so that was cool! Then we headed home and the day was over! I am soooo dead!
Freitag gave a lot of time for reflection and thinking and that type of stuff, so home was on my mind a bit and can you believe that 2 months today I will be in Munich for my last evening, as a missionary in this mission. Weirdness! No getting trunky! Home can wait another couple months! Anyways, after the normal morning business (studies, mittags, etc.) we decided that today we were going to take a day out of the city. We had a few less actives and formers who live in a place not too far, but still a good way out of the city, called Klosterneuburg. It was sooo refreshing to be out of the hustle of a city and to get nice clean country air. It was soooo good! Legit, I have missed the middle of nowhere! So we did a load of vorbeis there, loads of walking, I think my feet are wrecked after all that walking. We legit walked miles and miles today. Craziness and because of that, we had loads of thinking time, as some people lived in legit the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of this little town. It was super pretty though, but that filled up like all of our day and now I am wrecked, plus it was super sunny, so that was fun! 
Gemeinde Putztag Samstag! So after studies we headed to the Gemeinde Putztag, to clean the chapel. That was fun! M and B also came to help, cause they are little legends! So yeah we helped the ward clean the chapel, although the missionaries, M and B were about 50% of who turned up, but hey! After that, we popped back to get changed and grab lunch before heading to the centre to help out Wien 4. Their person never turned up, so they did a member lesson instead with their joint teach (she was female; for a female investigator, which is why they needed us there to help). Then after that, we went to meet N again. It's been a while, cause he's been super busy.... So we met him at work again. He made us a pizza again and he had a friend there who was speaking to us the majority of the time. It was interesting and we were there for quite a while. Then we headed home, which took way longer than it should have, no idea why. Had dinner and that was the day! 
I don't actually know where to start on Sonntag.... Church was interesting, sacrament was Mother’s day-based, which was super sweet. Before that we headed home, had mittagessen and did a bit of studies before heading back over to the chapel for Skype time!!! After that, we had a lesson with a former. That was interesting; then home for dinner and that was Sonntag! 
All my Love,
Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Woche 94 von 101.5- UNO City, Vanrosen und Hochzeitsempfang!
Well P-day was fun, sort-of! After studies we went and did shopping before cleaning the apartment quickly and heading out to Donauzentrum with Wien 4. So we went to this place for lunch called Burgerista. It's similar to five guys, but not soo messy looking Burgers. It was really good! Then we headed to the Vienna International Centre (UNO City) to check it out, ‘cause some people say it's super cool, so we went to see. We got there and had to pass through like airport-style security just to get to the Visitor Centre part with the gift shop area and stuff. Legit, the UN take their security pretty seriously. Then basically the guided tour only happens 3 times a day and costs like €10 and it would be a 40 min wait for the next tour. You can't leave the visitor centre part unless you are on a tour or accompanied by someone who has invited you. So we're considering leaving, then we realise that actually Wien 4 have a load of members who work there and it was lunch break time, so they text their GML who works there and whilst waiting for a response, another one of their members walks through and speaks to us and gets us in. 

We have to like Sign in with our Passports and stuff. It was sooo official. Then we got these little Private Visitor badges. We got in and then their GML came and met us and he did a little made up tour for us (cause obviously he just works there. He isn't no Tour Guide) - it was cool. 

Then ‘cause it was lunch time, we got to go to the UN Cafeteria. It was huge! We had some cake as well and yeah! It was pretty cool and probably way better than the actual tour and we got it for free! After that little adventure we headed to the Insti Centre to do emails and then met up with B and M for the evening! It was a cool day! 
Dienstag! Oh Dienstag! After studies we headed over to the 2nd ward building for Zone Training! That was interesting! After that, we headed to the centre to quickly prep for Englischkurs and then taught English. That was fun! Then we headed back home to have a bite to eat before going to Gemeinderat for the rest of the evening! I also got an email from Bishop with a very similar picture (but not the exact same) which Mom sent and he said with it: "Dear Elder Robertson, This is what I found of my Romford time...I believe the picture looks much like the one you showed me the other time.... Anyhow, please give my best regards to your parents and if the habit remains in the family, I'll be excited who gets to be your eternal companion! Liebe Grüße, Christoph" What a joker! He is such a fun Bishop!
So Mittwoch after a block of studies, we headed over to the Tennis Club for the Bruder V lunch. It was the first one since transfers. It was pretty cool, but different, without any Brits with me! 'Twas cool anyways! Then we headed to the Centre to meet with M and B. We started going through Christ-like Attributes and also did a little extra German Class for them, which was good! They really want to try and learn the language as much as possible now. So we're doing an extra Deutschkurs for them, along with the one on Tuesday and Thursday they do at the centre and the other one they do online. After them, we headed out and did a few vorbeis and some finding before heading over to B and R for GMK. Oh, I never mentioned on Sunday that F finally received the Priesthood and got called as Gemindemissionar. So we had GMK. That was cool, and F was great; and was giving a load of ideas of how we can get some more young investigators and even offered to go dooring with us in Student Accommodation Blocks. Pretty sweet! After GMK our GML and F left and then we spent the evening with B and R. I love them sooo much! They're the BEST! Then we ran to catch the train and home! We've had some pretty packed out days recently and it looks like tomorrow will be pretty similar! 
Donnerstag! After studies and mittags, we headed off to the 8th district where we did a bit of finding and vorbeis in the pouring rain. I think it was more walking in the rain and vorbeis than anything. Then we headed to the centre to meet up with F. That was a cool lesson. Then we did Internet and learnt how to use family search. I still don't have a clue, but hey! Then prepared for Englischkurs and taught English! Then we met up with the Sisters, as they were coming to help us out with a lesson; so we got there and they weren't even home, so we did a few vorbeis with the Sisters on people who lived nearby, who we may potentially need a JT with if we taught, but nobody was home. It kind of sucked, so we headed home and had dinner! It wasn't the best day!
Happy Birthday Ashleigh! So what did we actually do this Freitag.... So after studies we headed to the Centre to do Sprach. Then once we got back we had to head over to the chapel, as we were helping the W's set up for E and A's wedding reception thing for tomorrow evening. That was fun! It lasted a little while longer than we thought it would, but we got a lot done and helped quite a bit. It was looking really quite nice when we left. Then we got home and had a very late lunch before hitting weekly planning and appointments.  After that, we headed back home, had abendessen and that was Freitag!
Samstag after studies we headed off to meet M and B and went off to the Familie E to help them move. That was fun! Legit, I have never helped so many people move house/apartment as I have since being here in Wien! I'm becoming quite a pro at this business! That filled a good chunk of the day and we got Pizza out of it! Then we headed home to shower again and get ready before going out for a bit of finding and to go by on a new member who hasn't been to church for a few weeks. His address was wrong and finding really sucked this week, like legit, nothing, not a single person. We headed back for a bit of Sprach before going over to the chapel for the Wedding party of E and A. It was the strangest thing ever to be at a wedding... but it was cool! The food was incredible! They also had a band there. That was strange- normal music that was super loud.... I'm not sure how I feel about that! Oh, also highlight of the night- so we were eating and we were sitting with the Sisters and a few other members on our table, and I hear "Englander" being said, so look up to who said it and it was a lady in the ward talking about me to the guy sitting next to her. Then she goes and tells me what she was saying about how you can tell I'm from England, because I have my food well presented on the plate and eat it with manners. Then she turns to my companion and she says and I guess the Deutscher has been learning a few things! Then to the Sisters … and she goes off on one about these American girls, not knowing how to eat properly, etc. It was soo funny! Then literally 2 minutes later, one of the Sisters was pouring a drink and the cup just falls and messes up the table and this lady's face was a picture! Way to prove a point! Haha! Then after it, we helped clear up a bit before really having to head home! It was a fun day!
Church was actually really nice this Sonntag! Sacrament was led by the Young Men, with it being Priesthood Commemoration Day! That was super cool and we had 4 investigators at church with us! So that was super cool! We were supposed to be teaching the Investigator class today, but we were having another investigator come who wanted to have a lesson with someone who speaks Polish and Sunday school was the only time this member could have helped us. So the Sisters covered the lesson for us and we had this lesson with A and a Sister in the ward who speaks Polish. That was interesting! I always love lessons when you have no clue what's being said. Then we had Priesthood and that was the best Priesthood class I think I have ever attended. There's a part member family in the ward and the man isn't a member, but he comes near enough every week and this week he was teaching the Priesthood class; like this guy isn't even a member, but he did such an amazing job and everyone was respectful and listened and participated! It was just incredible! After church we headed to Schw. K for essen and it was amazing! Then home for some studies and out to meet A to go for a 'walk and talk' lesson. That was interesting! Then we had a little bit of time left and finding this week has been atrocious. We've been doing it, but it's just that we have had absolutely no success from it whatsoever! So I really wasn't up for doing any finding anymore. I was just so demotivated from finding that there was no point, but my companion wanted to do it, so we went. The whole time just constant rejection, rejection, rude, snarky comments, etc - but then we were almost back home and the very last lady we speak to was soo cool! We had a pretty cool conversation. To start with, she said that there was no point in meeting with her, ‘cause there’s plenty of other people who need to hear us, as she already believes. Then we kept talking and ended up exchanging numbers. It was soo cool! We're excited to see how it goes with her - and that was my week! 
Well, I wish you all a wonderful week! Love you loads and loads!
Alles Liebe,

Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Vienna (Wien) 18/4/16 - 2/5/16 Woche 91 & 92 von 102- Zentralfriedhof, Zone Training and Zone Activity

Woche 91 von 102- Zentralfriedhof, Zone Training and Zone Activity

Wie gehts?
So we decided that this week seen as we live in a 4-man that we are gonna try shopping together and see how much better it works for us. So after studies we popped over to the chapel and did our emails, posted some photos on the cloud (Are you proud of me? Each week I've been in Wien there hasn't been a single week without photos....) So after emails we headed out to go shopping and it worked out quite a bit cheaper than normal and hopefully it will make life a little more time efficient as well, instead of one of us waiting for the kitchen to be free and all that. Then we came back, had some essen and then cleaned for a bit. The highlight of our P-day was our little trip to Zentralfriedhof- It's like the biggest cemetery in Europe (maybe even the world, but I'm not too sure on that one, so don't quote me). It was crazy huge! Like some of those headstones were mental! I'll send some pics, but it's a tad weird, cause it's like pictures of graves and all; but there is a Mormon Section of it, which is super cool and it's probably the prettiest part of the entire Friedhof (again weird pictures). 
P-Day Activity

We saw the graves of Beethoven and Strauss and there was a memorial for Mozart, as he is actually buried somewhere else.... but it was cool! Then we headed to the British food store by Karlsplatz- I got myself some Crumpets! Sooo happy! I've missed Crumpets soooo much. Then we headed off to the centre, as we were supposed to be meeting a former there for the FHE that they do for the JAE. We also invited M and B to join us just in case this guy didn't turn up and if he did - then we'd just have 3 investigators there. He didn't turn up though which sucked, so we spent the evening with B, M and some JAE. It was a cool evening! 
Dienstag began after a run and getting ready with getting Elder Bonnke anmelded and to post something off to die Schweiz to get him Abmelded properly there. Then we headed home and did a bit of studies before leaving to go to Zone Training. So Zone Training was interesting- like it's the first thing of the transfer, which was a little strange seen as normally we have at least 1 DM before any zone thing. But anyhow.... So the whole thing was based on Patience, working with members and ward leadership. It was interesting! Then after all that, President allowed each zone to have a zone activity after zone training today, including a bit of money to use with it, to celebrate the fact that as a mission we overreached the mission goal for the last quarter. So that was fun! Basically our ZLs decided that we would do a tour of a few sites here in Wien. When you work right by/on these sites - it isn't actually all that special, but it was still cool none the less. So we started by heading to Schottentor and seeing the Votivkirche, then onto Rathaus, Parliament, Museumsquarter/Maria-Teresien-Platz, Hofburg Palace, Spanish Riding School, Stephansplatz, Karlsplatz, der Heldendenkmal der Roten Armee/Schwarzenberg Palace and lastly up to Belvedere! It was a right killer of a day- sooo much walking, so many selfies to photo bomb - so many pictures of cool things to take. Legit it was crazy! I am pretty convinced we totally broke the rule of not looking like tourists. It was crazy! So I have hundreds of photos from today, like legit over 300. I'll just put the group ones, cool sites and my awesome photo bombing selfie pics on the cloud! Enjoy! 

Then after that we found our way back to the Centre (without getting lost again- I haven't got us lost once so far! Proud moment). So then we planned a few things out and met with M. We went through the 4th chapter about ‘Freedom to Choose’. Then we headed home for abendessen. Oh, I also got Momma’s news!!! That was sooooo awesome to read! Congratulations! 2 weeks in a row! What’s it gonna be next week? 
I don't even know what to write for Mittwoch.... It was a day! A long day! We studied, ate, did a bit of area book stuff, then went out and did a load of ehemaliger and weniger aktiven vorbeis with a heap load of finding. 'Twas fun! We did get let in by one of the ehemaligers though, so that was cool! He was nice and invited us to come again for dinner. Then after doing vorbeis and finding for like 6hrs straight, we headed back to Schw. V for abendessen. It was a really nice appointment. It seems that the Sisters go pretty often, but this time all 4 of us went and it was really good! Then after that we headed home and the day was over. 
Donnerstag began after a run with some nice studies, before popping out and doing a bit of finding! We had some pretty awesome conversations and got 3 potentials from it! Woop, woop! Then home for mittags and sprach before heading over to the centre to sort out Englischkurs. So our students didn't turn up on time, so whilst waiting for them I went through the guidelines that I put together for missionaries’ use of the Centre.... Then we went out and did some finding before coming back for a lesson with M. Our translating JT didn't turn up, so we ended up just reading in the BoM with him, but that was still good and probably what he actually needed. Then we went and did some more vorbeis and finding by Westbahnhof. We went by a less active guy and ended up having a lesson with him! That was cool. He was a funny guy. Then home, abendessen, planned and then we did ‘drink night’. Basically we all just have a drink of our choice and just chat about any old topic for the night. I guess it all goes with living in a 4-man! Haha! 
Freitag began after studies by heading to do a few vorbeis, before coming back for mittags and Sprach! Then we did some weekly planning! I hate weekly planning, but I only have 10 more of them to go! Wahey! Well, after that we headed to the centre to meet with M and B and have a Skype lesson with the Sister who speaks Farsi. We spoke more about fasting and decided that we were going to fast together for them. It was a pretty powerful lesson. Then we chatted with the N’s for a little bit to discuss a new member from our ward who is JAE age, but seems to be more less active than new member. We discussed a few things they can help us with in terms of getting him involved in JAE things. Then we did some vorbeis and stuff and then home. I made some Mexican Rice for dinner, but it wasn't the same. They don't do the spices you actually need for it over here, so it wasn't as red/orange as it should be and it seemed really stodgy. I think that may have had something to do with the fact I used fresh tomatoes, because there is no such thing as canned tomatoes over here. Oh well, it still tasted alright! 
Well Samstag is supposed to be running morning, but we were both dead as fetch today, so gave that one a pass. I know, super lazy! So after studies we headed over to M and B place and had lunch with them. M made us some Iranian food and lots of it. It was soooo good. Then we ate like loads of coconut ice cream and began to fast with them that they will get the erlaubnis to stay here in Austria. We shared a little lesson, M played some music on his instrument for us and then we headed over to the centre for Englischkurs. That was interesting- we spoke about Phrasal verbs. 'Twas cool! Then we did a load of vorbeis and finding before meeting the Sisters at Ottakring to go with them to visit one of their formers. Then we left and did a few more vorbeis and finding before heading back home. I have a feeling I may have Hayfever. Like legit the Pollen in the air here is like visible and it's huge- I have never had Hayfever, but recently I have been sneezing so much and my nose is running like mad! I don't know! 
Oh Sonntag! What a crazy day!?! Church this morning was great! The talks were brilliant- they were mainly based on Service and serving others, but each touched on it in a different way! It was good. Then the rest of the meetings were also good! After church we went over to Sister P’s for mittags. We had Burritos and they were sooooo good! The Sisters did the spiritual thought and it was all about learning to listen to the Spirit. After our appointment we headed home and on the tram there was a group of youths who were speaking in Schwiezerdütsch! It was so beautiful to hear that again. I really do miss a bit of Swiss German! So we did studies and then went for a walk with Andreas again and spoke about the Book of Mormon and numerous other topics. I think these Sunday evening walk lessons are gonna be a regular thing, which is nice. Then home, abendessen and planned, collected numbers and that was our day! It's been a pretty good week and time is just flying by! 
Anyways, I just find that super awesome and such a blessing that after waiting so long and many prayers and fasts for good news on the job front with Dad; that within a week, my parents both get new jobs! Just as Mom said last week about putting our trust in Heavenly Father and He will provide, even a hundred fold. It is so true! The Blessings come in so many different ways and we really don't recognise them most of the time. It goes with a spiritual thought we shared this week. So we played the thankful pen game and twisted it up a bit by using the talk from April 2014 by President Uchtdorf and in it he mentions: "Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges..... True gratitude is an expression of hope and testimony. It comes from acknowledging that we do not always understand the trials of life, but trusting that one day we will." One day we will see how much we have learnt through those challenges and how much Heavenly Father truly does provide. It rarely ever is in the timing of which we hope for, but His plan is perfect and His timing is sure for when we need it more than ever and will gain the most from it in terms of our Spiritual Progression.
Have a great week guys!
Alles Liebe,
Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxx

Woche 92 von 102- I just realised either I missed a week, can't do Maths or it's actually 92 of 101.5...... I think I'll go with the latter!
Can you believe it..... You only have to suffer reading through 9 more of these after today....
Well, last Pday after studies we headed out and did shopping for the week before heading into Wien to go to Café Central for Mittags. So basically, we figured when in Wien you have to go to a typical Wienerisch Café; so we asked around last week where people would recommend and Café Central was number one, plus it's supposed to be the oldest and poshest in Wien, so we figured why not! So last week we made a reservation as if you just turn up you have to wait forever normally and then this morning we went. It was soooo posh! Legit! So we had something proper to eat before indulging on some cake! I got the Ungarische Gulasch- that was sooo good! A little overpriced, but it was really good! Then the cakes all looked amazing, but I settled for the 'Frühlings Kuss'; which was like a Creme Schnitte, but with one of the layers of cream as a rhubarb filling type thing. It was sooooooo good! 

Then we headed to the Centre to do emails before heading down to shopping city süd, which is basically like a giant mall! They have a Primark, which was beautiful! Sooo British! The best part was that they sold some British sweets and stuff as they do back in the UK, so I picked up some Chewitts and Polos. I also grabbed some running shoes, cause the casual shoes I have aren't good for running, so I normally borrow Elder Threlkeld’s for running, but I figured only €11 for a pair at Primarni was good enough, so now I don't need to borrow any! Plus, they only need to last me another 9 and a bit weeks! Sweet! Then we headed back up to Wien and started work. After that, we need to umsteig right outside B and R’s place, so we figured we would go by and see how they were - seen as they weren't at church yesterday. That was cool, they let us in, we chatted, shared something with them and they gave us some snacks, cause P-day is a bit hit and miss with proper meals. Haha! It was a really cool evening! 
So Dienstag after studies, we headed off to Meidling to meet with St. Pölten to tausch. I decided I'd stay and work with Elder Johnson seen as last time I worked with Gappmayer, but I do have permission to tausch with them twice this transfer, so I'll get to work with both! So we headed out to Stadtpark and did some finding, then the Sisters joined us and we did a bit of power finding in Stadtpark! It was actually some really good finding! We got a few potentials! Then we popped over to the Centre to prepare English and then had Englischkurs before walking and finding home and having dinner! 'Twas cool!
Mittwoch began by having a morning full of studies, mittagessen and Auswertungsgespräch before heading off to Meidling to get the train to St. Pölten to tausch back! Our train went from 5 minutes late, to 10, onto 15, then 20 and on to 30 minutes late. By which time, the next train was going, so that was fun! There really is nothing quite as good as Swiss Public Transport! It was a really fun tausch and working with Elder Johnson was great! Then we tausched back and Bonnke was ill, so we headed home and he slept whilst I made use of my time! Also, the Euros turned up this morning!!! Thank you soooo much! :D
So Donnerstag Elder Bonnke was still ill, so it was another stay at home day. It's a good job today was run day, so I could get out! Plus, after lunch I popped over to the chapel with one of the Wien 4 Elders to order tickets for DM next week! Then home again to wait out the day!
Freitag after studies my companion started complaining about toothache, so he spent the morning on the phone to the nurse and then calling up every possible dental practice for an appointment today.... Most of the dental practices close at 11.00 on a Friday apparently, but we finally found one, had lunch and headed to this dental appointment. The problem was that he had a gum infection. We did a vorbei whilst we were nearby, but they weren't home, so we headed home and did some weekly planning. It was more like a power weekly planning, cause we had an appointment with M and B and this skype lady to get to. That was good! I love meeting with those guys!
Samstag was fun! Interview day! So after a bit of studies, we headed over to our chapel for interviews and district meeting! My first DM as DL! It was weird, like it was a great meeting, but interview DMs are always really 'here and there'; cause someone is always out of it, so that was fun! My last interview in the field, like my next interview with Pres will be my death interview! That is soooooo weird! From what he said I think I'm going to die here, cause he kept asking if I'm alright with doing my last transfer here, but he also checked if I was okay moving on.... So who knows, but I believe when I die; Wien 1 Elders will probably close, cause he needs to close a whole load of areas this transfer, so we shall see. I got my temple recommend renewed as well (my recommend is auf Deutsch) and he asked me to create some lists of things, which he'll be asking me about in just over 2 months’ time. That was the strangest thing ever! Anyways, after interviews we had training with President and the Graz district all about Baptismal Records (I think that’s what they are called in English), so that was fun, then home to finish studies. This evening we headed out and did some finding before meeting the Sisters to go to T for abendessen! Oh my goodness! It was soooo much fun! Legit this woman is mentally insane. She is such a hoot! We just had sooo much fun the whole evening! 
Sonntag was a pretty interesting day! Testimony meeting was great, M got up and bore his testimony, which was the coolest and sweetest thing ever! The feeling when one of your investigators gets up to bear testimony in testimony meeting is amazing! Then the other classes were alright! Funny story from Priesthood- so Elder Bonnke was asked to read something and he starts reading, then one of the old guys starts shouting at him in English how he needs to speak louder and sit up straight, no actually stand up and read it. In the meantime, another old guy joins in the shouting and some others are like he is German - he can speak German! Like it was soooo bad, but sooo funny. Like old people just have the smallest issues, which they make such a huge deal of, like if you can't hear, read along, but the fact that he was saying it in English was just hilarious. People just assume that all missionaries are Americans and can't speak the language very well.... That’s the worst stereotype, which you never had to deal with in Switzerland, cause we are all Europeans. Well, after church we had a "quick" GMK. It was alright, but I'm not super impressed with our GML.... Oh well! Then we headed to B and R’s for the afternoon. It was so much fun! I love going to their place! Then our appointments for the evening fell out, so we went by a less active and spoke to her on the door. It was pretty cool, plus she is going to help us with teaching a Polish guy! Then we headed home, did some studies, had abendessen, planned, collected numbers and phoned the ZLs.  
Well today was an adventure, but more on that next week. For now, that’s everything unless something comes to mind!
Alles Liebe,

Elder Ammon Robertson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx